COVID-19: Case demographics

Full details of the confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Last updated 1pm 22 February 2021.

All data on this page is as at 9:00 am on 22 February 2021 unless otherwise stated.

Data on this page is now updated daily.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

On this page:

COVID-19 and ethnicity

Total cases and tests by ethnicity
  Total cases since first NZ case Total tests for COVID-19 to date
Māori 197 235,756
Pacific peoples 189 192,873
Asian 440 235,816
European/other 1,520 887,100
Unknown 11 110,776
Total 2,357 1,662,321

Note: This table shows the number of tests, and some people are tested more than once.

Cases by ethnicity

COVID-19 cases by ethnicity - the table following this image contains relevant data

Cases of COVID-19 by ethnicity
Ethnicity* Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases since first case Percentage of all cases
Māori 2 190 5 197 8.4%
Pacific peoples 3 185 1 189 8%
Asian 23 417 0 440 18.7%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 9 84 2 95 4%
European or Other 16 1391 18 1425 60.5%
Unknown 1 10 0 11 0.5%
Total 54 2277 26 2357 100%

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

COVID-19 by age and sex

Cases by age

COVID-19 cases by age - the table after this image contains relevant data

COVID-19 cases by age group
Age group Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
0 to 9 3 101 0 104 4.4%
10 to 19 10 205 0 215 9.1%
20 to 29 8 545 0 553 23.5%
30 to 39 15 429 0 444 18.8%
40 to 49 12 329 0 341 14.5%
50 to 59 3 331 3 337 14.3%
60 to 69 2 224 3 229 9.7%
70 to 79 1 85 7 93 3.9%
80 to 89 0 24 8 32 1.4%
90+ 0 4 5 9 0.4%
Total 54 2277 26 2357 100%

Cases by sex

Total cases of COVID-19 by sex
Sex Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
Female 27 1191 12 1230 52%
Male 27 1086 14 1127 48%
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0%
Total 54 2277 26 2357 100%

Cases by hospitalisation and intensive care

All data below is from 22 February to latest day's available data.

Cases in hospital and in intensive care (ICU) by age 

Age group Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
0 to 9 1 0
10 to 19 3 1
20 to 29 7 1
30 to 39 17 1
40 to 49 17 3
50 to 59 27 4
60 to 69 22 4
70 to 79 18 4
80 to 89 8 0
90+ 4 0
Total 124 18

Cases in hospital and in intensive care by sex 

Sex Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
Female 64 6
Male 60 12
Total 124 18

Details of past cases

We publish details about every person with COVID-19 (confirmed or probable) in a downloadable spreadsheet below. For privacy reasons, this data only includes:

  • Date potential case was notified
  • Sex of case
  • Age group of case
  • DHB where the case lives - listed as "Managed isolation & quarantine" for border cases
  • If the case is related to overseas travel

This file covers all cases from 26 February 2020 to 22 February 2021.

COVID-19 case details through 22 February 2021 (CSV, 154 KB)

Researchers can request detailed data on COVID-19 in New Zealand by sending an email to the Ministry of Health Data Services team - [email protected]

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